About Us

Nestled amidst the picturesque landscapes of Plateau State in Nigeria lies an institution dedicated to healing, learning, and innovation: the Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH). Established with a noble vision to provide world-class healthcare services, educate future healthcare professionals, and conduct groundbreaking research, JUTH stands as a beacon of excellence in the Nigerian healthcare landscape.

Brief History

Founded in 1975, JUTH has evolved over the decades to become one of Nigeria’s foremost tertiary healthcare institutions. From its humble beginnings as a modest medical facility, JUTH has grown exponentially, expanding its infrastructure, expertise, and services to meet the evolving needs of its patients and communities.

Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) stands as a cornerstone of healthcare excellence in Nigeria, with a rich history that spans nearly five decades. Its journey from inception to becoming a leading tertiary healthcare institution is a testament to the vision, dedication, and resilience of its founders and stakeholders.

1975: Foundation and Inception

JUTH was established in 1975 as part of the Nigerian government’s efforts to expand access to quality healthcare services across the country. Situated in Jos, Plateau State, the hospital began its journey with a modest infrastructure and a commitment to providing comprehensive medical care to the surrounding communities.

1980s: Growth and Expansion

During the 1980s, JUTH experienced significant growth and expansion, with the addition of new facilities, departments, and medical specialties. As the demand for healthcare services grew, JUTH emerged as a leading tertiary healthcare institution, attracting patients from across Plateau State and neighboring regions.

1990s: Affiliation with the University of Jos

In the 1990s, JUTH solidified its partnership with the University of Jos, becoming a teaching hospital affiliated with the university’s College of Medicine. This affiliation marked a pivotal moment in JUTH’s history, transforming it into a hub of medical education, research, and innovation.

2000s: Modernization and Advancement

The early 2000s saw JUTH embark on a journey of modernization and advancement, with investments in state-of-the-art medical equipment, technology, and infrastructure. These efforts bolstered JUTH’s capabilities in diagnosis, treatment, and patient care, positioning it as a leading center for medical excellence in Nigeria.

Present Day: A Beacon of Healthcare Excellence

Today, JUTH stands as a beacon of healthcare excellence, offering a wide range of medical services, specialized treatments, and surgical interventions across various disciplines. With a dedicated team of healthcare professionals, cutting-edge facilities, and a commitment to patient-centered care, JUTH continues to uphold its legacy of healing, learning, and innovation.

Comprehensive Healthcare Services

At the heart of JUTH’s mission is the delivery of comprehensive, patient-centered healthcare services across a wide spectrum of medical specialties. From primary care and preventive medicine to specialized treatments and surgical interventions, JUTH offers a holistic approach to healthcare that prioritizes the well-being and dignity of every patient.

  • Clinical Specialties
  • Surgical Specialties
  • Pathological Specialties
  • Allied Health Service
  • Statutory Directorates
  • Non-Clinical Departments (1)
  • Non-Clinical Departments (2)
  • Education
  • A Hub of Medical Education

As a teaching hospital affiliated with the University of Jos, JUTH plays a pivotal role in shaping the next generation of healthcare professionals. Through its robust training programs, clinical rotations, and research opportunities, JUTH provides aspiring doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and allied health professionals with the knowledge, skills, and hands-on experience needed to excel in their respective fields.

  • Pioneering Research and Innovation

Driven by a spirit of inquiry and discovery, JUTH is at the forefront of medical research and innovation in Nigeria. From epidemiological studies and clinical trials to the development of new treatment modalities and medical technologies, JUTH’s research endeavors seek to advance medical knowledge, improve patient outcomes, and address the healthcare challenges facing the nation.

  • Community Engagement and Outreach

Beyond its walls, JUTH is deeply engaged with the communities it serves, reaching out to underserved populations through health screenings, vaccination campaigns, and health education initiatives. By fostering partnerships with local stakeholders and collaborating with governmental and non-governmental organizations, JUTH extends its healing touch to those in need, promoting health and wellness across Plateau State and beyond.

  • A Commitment to Excellence

At the core of JUTH’s ethos lies a steadfast commitment to excellence in all aspects of healthcare delivery. From its dedicated healthcare professionals and state-of-the-art facilities to its unwavering focus on patient safety and quality improvement, JUTH continually strives to raise the bar for healthcare standards in Nigeria and beyond.


Excellent providers of tertiary healthcare that enhances the quality of life of people.


To provide effective and efficient health services, training and research that meet the needs of the people.

Core Values

  • Sanctity of Human Life
  • Compassion for Humanity
  • Honesty and Integrity
  • Discipline
  • Hardwork and Diligence
  • Team Work
  • Trust and Confidence
  • Accountability
  • Pursuing Greatness


As we journey through the halls of Jos University Teaching Hospital, we are inspired by the dedication, compassion, and resilience that define this institution. From its inception to the present day, JUTH has remained true to its mission of providing exemplary healthcare, advancing medical education, and driving innovation in the service of humanity. As it looks toward the future, JUTH stands poised to continue its legacy of healing, learning, and excellence for generations to come.