
The Hospital was launched early in the 20th century as a standard healthcare centre for Africans built by the colonial administrators. It later metamorphosed into a General Hospital after Nigeria gained her independence in 1960.

However, at the end of the Nigerian civil war in 1970, the government of the East Central State transformed it into a Specialist Hospital with effect from July 1, 1970.

At this time, the hospital had a total of 50 doctors, 10 wards, 300 beds and a chest bay of 60 beds. There were also about 350 nurses working in the Hospital. Today, the situation has changed dramatically. The bed capacity of the hospital in the permanent site is over 500 beds and the number of its personnel (both professional and non – professional) has increased tremendously.

By decree number 23 of 1974, the Federal Military Government took over the hospital, but left the management in the hands of the Council of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.


We provide quality training, research and specialist healthcare for our clients in a friendly environment with excellence in cardio thoracic services.


To be the best destination for specialized healthcare, training and research in West Africa by 2027.


Every member of staff/worker in the Hospital is expected to imbibe and practise the following core values with sincerity while at work and in dealing with the Hospital’s clients.

  • Dedication
  • Commitment
  • Diligence
  • Empathy
  • Discipline
  • Confidentiality
  • Honesty
  • Accountability
  • Zero tolerance for corruption