Contributors Guidelines

Please read the following carefully 

Thanks for contributing to NaijaDirectory. To ensure consistency and accuracy across all listings, please adhere to the following guidelines:

Minimum Content Requirements:

Description: Be creative and write a well-detailed description of the listing: about us, background, history, departments, list of and description of services offered, etc. Try to be well-detailed, easy to understand, but not too bulky or out of point to avoid content being rejected. 

  • Include a minimum of 4 high-quality pictures, including the logo. Preferably, use the business logo as the featured image; if not available, use your best business image. Images size: Height: 500 pixels (priority), Width: up to 1000 pixels; that means width that works best for the image. For Image Resizers: use any image reizer you prefer, or visit, or etc. 
  • Provide a comprehensive address for the business.

List of Services Offered:

Enumerate the various services offered by the business or organization. Ensure the list is up-to-date and includes relevant details.

  • Website Link:

Include the official website (if available).

  • Location Details:

Specify the state where the business is located. 

  • Title and Category:

Choose an appropriate and descriptive title for the listing.
For the category, select “Businesses” and subcategorize “Resturants.”, Real Estate, etc. for instance,  “Polytechnic” is also a subcategory within “Education.”

  • Formatting Tips:

Ensure your content is well-organized and easy to read.
Use bullet points or subheadings for better clarity.

Ensure all Headings and Sub-Headings are in “H3” and other Texts are in “Paragraph” font style
Proofread your submission to eliminate errors or inaccuracies.

Additional Notes:

Do not include promotional language or exaggerated claims. Stick to factual and informative content.
If information changes after submission, please update your listing promptly.

Respect copyright and provide proper attribution for images or content not owned by you.

By following these guidelines, you contribute to maintaining the quality and reliability of information in’s  Education category. Thank you for your dedication to providing valuable content for users globally.

For Assistance: 

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